Success of the Kendal Summer Trails
Earlier this year Kendal (BID) began a Summer Trails project for the town centre in order to create an even greater experience for our residents and visitors.
The Summer Trails project has been successful in driving business to the town centre and here is a quick overview of the project to date.
Planning and Design
To start the Summer Trails project, Kendal BID contacted each and every business within the BID zone to gather interest and offer advertising opportunities.
With over 140 businesses requesting participation in the trails, work then started to plan the trail routes and place the trail markers.
Kendal BID approached local designers Fell Tarn Friends to bring the project tot life and the Kendal Summer Trails were created!
A map of the BID zone was designed and the trail routes plotted out. Hand-drawn sketches of each pub and bar featured on the Evening Trail, which also incorporated fun facts and a mini-directory of all places in Kendal to eat in the evening. Every type of eatery in the BID zone was included from fast food outlets to independent bistros and restaurant chains. The Children’s Trails were brought to life with puzzles and Felltarn characters. Whilst, the History Trail combined photographs, drawings, facts and information about the town. The History Trail incorporated 18 points of historical interest around the BID zone as well as encouraging participants to explore the town’s alleyways and yards.
Distribution and Marketing
Once the maps were created, a local printer in Kendal was chosen to deliver the prints. Felltarn Friends and the key Kendal BID team worked tirelessly to get the maps out to all the pick-up points for the start of the summer holidays.
The Summer Trails were set up here on the Visit Kendal website and a direct link was set up to use on advertising material. A press release was distribute to local publications, flyers were produced and a social media campaign launched.
It was quickly clear that the trails were proving a success and after just two weeks a further 10000 trail maps were produced!
We have received warm feedback regarding the Summer Trails project, verbal feedback from trail participants to BID businesses has been positive with parents particularly happy that there were 4 different Children’s Trails, meaning they could come back time after time. Locals and visitors have shared images of the trails across social media channels and the umbrella theme, vibrant displays and trail design style have all been commended. The Evening Trail provided a positive turn-around to the recent night-time trade lull in town and BID business owners and managers commented on the obvious increase in shoppers and browsers over the Summer Trail period.
Following the success of the Kendal Summer Trails, Kendal BID have decided to extend the project, so visitors and locals can use the trails to explore the town year-round. (Please note, however, the trail treats will only be available until 21st September.)