South Lakeland District Council are offering free parking in their pay-and-display car parks on Sundays in the run up to Christmas with exception to Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal.
This initiative is aimed to encourage shoppers to head to town to purchase Christmas gifts from local businesses at this important time of year for these often small and independent retailers.
Discover Kendal’s Shopping Centre’s and Yards.
Discover Kendal’s Independent Shops.
The car parks included are as follows (links open to SLDC website):
- Booths
- Westmorland Shopping Centre – Multistorey
- Blackhall Road
- Highgate (Kendal Bowmans)
- Dowker’s Lane
- Library Road
- Kendal Snowsports Club
- Low Fellside
- Sandes Avenue
- Peppercorn Lane
- South Lakeland House – Multistorey
- Wainwright’s Yard
- Kendal College Wildman Street
- Kendal Museum
- Kendal College Main Campus
- Parish Church
- Halgarth Circle