Are you passionate about restoring and enhancing local biodiversity? Mark your calendar for an important event that aims to bolster nature recovery efforts in our community: Nature Recovery in Kendal Conference, happening on Saturday 18th May from 10am to 4pm at Kendal Museum.

Why Attend?
This conference is a pivotal gathering for anyone committed to environmental and ecological preservation within Kendal. Organised by Natural Kendal, the event is designed to foster collaboration among local community members and conservation bodies who are actively promoting and developing biodiversity in and around Kendal.

What to Expect?
The day will be rich with discussions and presentations aimed at establishing Natural Kendal as a formidable Nature Recovery Partnership and network. This initiative will synergise efforts of various local groups dedicated to nature recovery, creating a unified force that can effectively address ecological challenges and opportunities in our area.

Key Partners
Kendal Town Council, Westmorland and Furness Council, along with several local conservation bodies and campaigns, are key to the Natural Kendal Partnership. This collaborative effort underscores a strong community commitment to revitalising Kendal’s natural environment. While the partnership will be officially launched later this year, the conference offers a sneak peek into the plans and projects that will shape our environmental landscape. It’s a unique opportunity to get involved from the ground up and be part of a lasting positive impact.

Joining Details
Admission to the conference is free, however, booking is recommended to secure your spot. Please visit the booking page at TryBooking UK to reserve your place. While there is no set ticket price, a suggested donation of £10 would be greatly appreciated to help cover the costs of the event, including a catered lunch provided for all attendees.

Be Part of the Change
This conference isn’t just about listening and learning; it’s about stepping up to make a tangible difference. Whether you’re a local resident, part of a community group, or a representative of a conservation organization, your participation is crucial. Join us to share ideas, learn from experts, and connect with others who are equally committed to nurturing Kendal’s natural heritage.
We look forward to seeing you there and exploring together how we can collectively contribute to a greener, more vibrant Kendal.

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